JMShea Wedding Invitations

Obviously, if you are a designer you want to design your own invitations. My husband and I had a quick engagement, only six months, and I was working so much on client work to pay for the mounting wedding costs, that I barely found time to for the invitations, and the ever present knowledge that I wasn’t spending time on them really stressed me out. Ultimately, I ended up making them in one day, in about seven hours. But this is a true testament to the process I go through with design work. If I see it in my head before I sit at the computer, it goes so much faster. These are easily something I could have continually worked on for three weeks to get to the same result had I not worked out a geometric flower idea somewhere in the back of my mind while doing the endless other tasks of wedding planning. Printing them with letterpress amped up the beauty factor. My goddess printing guru, Laura Thoms of Red Press Printing, worked with me to get the perfect blush tint on the press. It turned out to be straight varnish with no ink at all! She had never printed a suite with so many pieces before. She is an angel straight from paper heaven. The wedding program was printed digitally, and the long shape just came from the economy of printing two up on a 11×17 sheet of cover stock, but it looks like a savvy design decision, so let’s just say it was. I would love to refit this suite for another bride. It would look so beautiful with white foil on craft paper, or a deep green and bright poppy… somebody get married and let’s do this!