Babycakes NYC Branding

Back in the dirty, grubby, hustling mid-aught years of NYC, my friend Erin McKenna and I both went out on our own. I left Rockstar Games and went to acting school. She dreamed of a bakery where she could make birthday cakes for kiddos with allergies– vegan treats with no nuts, dairy, soy, or gluten yet somehow still delicious. We shared a small table in a Brooklyn restaurant and dreamed it all up. We should have known then she would be a huge success. The woman next to us leaned in and said, “If you start this bakery, call me. I work for Redbook. We’d be very interested in writing it up.” We laughed when she left, but she knew better than us. Erin has now been on magazine covers and on Martha Stewart more times than I can remember.
With three cookbooks and bakeries in New York City, Los Angeles, and Orlando at Disney Springs, the growing brand is now known by the Ladyboss handle Erin McKenna’s Bakery . I am so proud to have been a small part of the beginning of all the pink frosted magic.