Alkemy Brewlab Branding and Label Design

In Greenpoint Brooklyn, a mom and pop coffee shop, Crema BK, is quietly perfecting chai. The husband and wife team approached their recipe scientifically, experimenting with measurements, ingredients, and brewing techniques until finally arriving at something that finally met their very high standards. They then figured out how to prepare a concentrated version, so that their customers could buy a bottle to take with them and prepare at home. It was a hit. The obvious next step was to figure out how to do it on a larger scale. Thus, Alkemy Brewlab was born. The name is a nod to all their exacting scientific methods that led to that perfect recipe, not too spicy, not too sweet.
Referrals are my favorite way to come by new clients. And this client came by way of Earlybird Granola, which was sold at their shop, which led them to ask, who did this packaging? Which led them to me. A pretty sweet story, if I do say so myself.